Saturday, January 27, 2007

A bit under the weather

I feel crappy. Don't you just hate it when you wake up one beautiful morning and your throat starts irritating you? See me see trouble oh. upon all the fruits I eat to build up Vitamin C in my system, I got a sore throat. The most irritating thing about it is that if anything cold goes down my throat, it irritates it and I can't seem to stop producing saliva. I decided to work from home in the morning hoping it would clear up---it didn't.
I later went to work at 11.30 am because I had a meeting today. After work, I called a few of my girlfriends but it seemed everyone was MIA. I decided to try the guys, well...lets just they they were incapacitated. One literally said "I am busy" and ran em off the phone. Chai, I have suffered.
Fast forward, its 2 am and I'm still awake because I feel stuffy, can't sleep and can't stop salivating. I dislike feeling ill without the usual symptoms. You know, a fever, running nose, even coughing, but a sore throat and I can't sleep. Its so unfair.
Anyways, I decided to turn on my computer and maybe after writing a bit, I'll feel sleepy and go back to bed.
I have been browsing some fellow blogger blogs and I like a few. Some are too way out there for me but others are pretty good reads, others educative and others downright too sexual for my lil self. Two blogs that I really like are Favored Girl and Thinking Out loud. It's like Favored girl's story was written with me in mind aside from the fact that I'm not on my way to the altar or married for that matter. Dilichi is just pure friendly. I have been reading some blogs and it seems my once conservative Naija sisters are "becoming more open" with their sexuality. Its good to know there are others out there like me who beg to differ. Lets see... who else picked my interest...Babaalaye- He had me rolling, even in his misery and sometimes questionable choices, he was absolutely relatable and well, human. My girls Adaure and Kulutempa, are ofcourse keeping me abreast with whats going on in their lives. I hope I get to opportunity to live out my dreams just like them.
Well, I can't think of anything else to write. There are some topics I want to explore but I have to go educate myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry i ran you off the phone. i still luv you. i hope you know who thinking out loud is