Monday, January 29, 2007

On Behalf of My BFF

Okay, so my babygirl said I should update my blog. Apparently she has gotten hooked on what I write.
My weekend was okay. I didn't really do much. I was sick, so I stayed home most of the time. I don't know what possessed me to think i could go to the gym. Half way through the aerobics class, I was about to collapse. My body just seemed to shut down. I usually spend two hours on Saturdays but I went back home after the first hour. But, all was not lost. I stopped by the beauty shop and got some hair creme and later went home.
Funny enough, when I got home, I was feeling a bit better so I decided to do some 'winter cleaning.' After vacuuming the entire apartment, turning on the dishwasher and doing basic cleaning, I took a well deserved shower and went grocery shopping- pretty boring stuff!
But come Saturday, things were looking up. I visited my Barber's church(yeah, i don't cut my hair but I have a barber) and it was a pretty good service. We sang African American hymns with no musical instruments and it was great. The pastor preached a great sermon about living what you believe. It just reinforced what I have been hearing from the Lord all along. Anyho, met up with friends for lunch(on them which was pretty great). Later on in the evening, after a very good nap, I went to the movies with a friend of mine. WE watched Pan's labyrinth and I have to say that movie is off the chain! As in, there was no point in the movie where my mind wondered. The cinematography, the story line, plot, fantasy mixed with fairy tales---wow! Not I know why it was nominated for best foreign movie. It deserved it.
So, that was my weekend in a nutshell. I hope my week is even better. I'm sycked because one of my London boys is coming to visit and this weekend is SUPER BOWL WEEKEND. Big ups to my Colts and Bears!
That's all folks.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A bit under the weather

I feel crappy. Don't you just hate it when you wake up one beautiful morning and your throat starts irritating you? See me see trouble oh. upon all the fruits I eat to build up Vitamin C in my system, I got a sore throat. The most irritating thing about it is that if anything cold goes down my throat, it irritates it and I can't seem to stop producing saliva. I decided to work from home in the morning hoping it would clear up---it didn't.
I later went to work at 11.30 am because I had a meeting today. After work, I called a few of my girlfriends but it seemed everyone was MIA. I decided to try the guys, well...lets just they they were incapacitated. One literally said "I am busy" and ran em off the phone. Chai, I have suffered.
Fast forward, its 2 am and I'm still awake because I feel stuffy, can't sleep and can't stop salivating. I dislike feeling ill without the usual symptoms. You know, a fever, running nose, even coughing, but a sore throat and I can't sleep. Its so unfair.
Anyways, I decided to turn on my computer and maybe after writing a bit, I'll feel sleepy and go back to bed.
I have been browsing some fellow blogger blogs and I like a few. Some are too way out there for me but others are pretty good reads, others educative and others downright too sexual for my lil self. Two blogs that I really like are Favored Girl and Thinking Out loud. It's like Favored girl's story was written with me in mind aside from the fact that I'm not on my way to the altar or married for that matter. Dilichi is just pure friendly. I have been reading some blogs and it seems my once conservative Naija sisters are "becoming more open" with their sexuality. Its good to know there are others out there like me who beg to differ. Lets see... who else picked my interest...Babaalaye- He had me rolling, even in his misery and sometimes questionable choices, he was absolutely relatable and well, human. My girls Adaure and Kulutempa, are ofcourse keeping me abreast with whats going on in their lives. I hope I get to opportunity to live out my dreams just like them.
Well, I can't think of anything else to write. There are some topics I want to explore but I have to go educate myself.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Its being a long time

Yeah, I know, its being a minute since I sat at my computer and wrote down my thoughts, what being happening, all that good stuff. What?? I've been busy and not much has happened! Lets see...I got put on the waiting list of my 3rd choice MBA program and my first choice said 'No'.
I am being drawn to this one guy that 'FITS' in so many ways, but in the critical ways, he doesn't. Not that that can't change, its just that, this guy is like my dream guy in a different package. Our chemistry transcends the 'lustful' 'infatuation' crushing' 'sexual' ordinary. I know this sounds terrible, but its as if the Devil planted this guy in front of me to make we weak, to test my desire to stand for my principles and compromise. But I can't back down. He says I'm too competitive, I say I love Jesus. I want to be someone whose actions speak louder than words who I live for, you know? I choose to believe that a life founded on grace, love and truth would be blessed!

Okay, after all that ranting, my weekend. It was great, I hung out with YO and my roommate threw a goodget together. I never knew the game of taboo could bring out my competive, quik thinking and laughing on the ground spirit. As in, why is that the rules have to be explained and then reexamined to a bunch of grown naija folks?? Buts its all good. The girls won, so the guys have to cook dinner this week. I was going to make some moi moi for the party, but that was not to be so. My roomie commandeered the kitchen and I was very nearly thrown out of my own Kitchen :).

Ah, well, I think that wraps it up for my weekend. if I think of anything else, I'll write

Friday, January 5, 2007

First Day at the Gym

I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in a long time. I found this gym really close to my house and decided to enact one of last years to-dos: join and commit to regular exercise. My fresh determination is from looking at my sister and seeing how good she looks. She doesn't go to the gym but she works long hours at the hospital, always on her feet, so she has toned very well. Don't get me wrong, I'm very comfortable with how I look. That has been my problem. As long as I am within my weight bracket and haven't put on too much weight, I don't both about exercising regular. However, in the past few months, I'm very close to toppling my weight bracket, so I'm back to the gym. I need to tone some specific areas and build strength and endurance. I just pray to God that I stick to it and continually follow thru.
Anyway, I went to the gym and after a 5 min workout on a bike, I went to a step aerobic class. How about the whole class was taught in Spanish. I should have known when it became apparent that i was the only Black chick in the class!! It was fun though and I loved the fact I had to keep my eyes on the teacher at all times to follow what to do next. I figure I can use this as an avenue to revisit my college Spanish. I think I will use this blog as an entry log for how I do at the gym. Now, I just have to find good substitutes for my fat laden and extremely delicious Naija cooking...

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year

And what a happy new year it was. I had a very laid back New Year;s day. For some reason, I felt like being alone, so I didn't go anywhere. I slept a little, worked a little and pretty much kept to myself. My prayer for this year and for all my loved ones is, in the words of a person very special to me:
In this new year...I pray that your joy may be full, I pray that you may exeperience fully the wonder of knowing God more each day, I pray that tears may not be your portionbut rather joy that is endless, love that is abiding, hope that is unquenchable. Where you tread, you will prosperWhere you sleep, you will have no cause for fear
In your work, you will have success the decisions you make make will be the right ones your hopes and dreams will come trueWhat you could not do last year, I pray that in this New Year, the Lord will bring it to pass. I pray that in this New Year, You will walk and not faint You will run and not be weary,You will soar on wings like eagles. I pray you will have cause to dance like David danced(and you know he was so excited that his clothes fell apart bcause of the fullness of his joy and praise)Where young lions lack and suffer hunger, you will never go hungry.