Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Okay, I'm back in the game and feeling great!!! Thank you Lord. I still have so much to write but I don't know where to start. So much has happened since my last post. Is it just me, but does it seem as if one some days you are on top of the world and the next time, you just want to curl up in bed and eat ice cream?

Big things going on in my world:
Shout out to my Big Sibling who si about to leave our crew and join the other crew that is to say HE IS GETTING MARRIED!!! Yay, I am so sycked. And so happy. I wish them all the best and know they will be very happy together. And guess what? The best part is that its taking place in Naija. Eh- Egbon mi te le o mo re o, te le o mo!!!!hehehe

Some other updates are as follows. Probably not as interesting, but this is my sorta personal journal, so THERE.
This new project has kept me away from the gym but the good news is that I am eating less-at least, that in mind is good news. Now with the wedding, I really need to get this 10 pounds off or at least continue my toning exercises. Please pray for me and leave tips on how to do this.

The Opposite sex
I sat next to a very interesting fellow on my flight to work. I was in a very upbeat mood and we chatted quite a bit. I also found out we had a lot in common: We are both consultants and born in the same month. He gave me his card and asked to give him a call or keep in touch. WELL, I emailed him but I haven't heard back....Not good. For him.

It is definitely picking up. I actually met other folks that work for my company and we hang out at the hotel. I'm settling in pretty well, so I'm thankful and happy. I'm a bit put off though because what I thought I was signing up for differs from what I am doing right now. But I do intend to give my best.


Let me just say that it is becoming increasing clear or I'm more aware of the conscious fact o conscious set aside the ways of this world and walk according to the precepts to the Bible. I read passages and they just talk to me. They apply to all situations and it seems as if I am constantly renewed when i get on my knees. I know so many people question their faith from time to time but I believe there comes a time when we consciously decide to do God's will. And we start by getting back to the basics- pray at least once a day, read my bible once a day(notice the missing "at least"lol), and praise, whenever, wherever.
Sometimes i sit back and imagine the other side- whichever one, atheist, religious but not faithful, evolutionist etc. And they all pale in comparison to knowing a personable God. One who promises to always be there for me, through it all and who guides me.

What I'm reading right now
I finished Neecey's lullaby and I'm back on David Eddings's Books. I am currently reading Book 1 of the Malloreon: Guardians of the west. So far, its being good. David is keeping to the original make of the first series.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

M.I.A_Part 1

I have been neglecting my blog. I have so much to write but its all stuck in my head. Hopefully, I will be able to put something up. All I can say though is that I'm lonely, disappointed, lonely, I'm missing HIM again, I am falling more in love with My Father in heaven, I am having very ugly thoughts about casterating soulless pigs who take away the innocence of the young, I want to meet Boorish Male but I have a funny feeling I would be disappointed(goes with how I'm feeling), the plans for my older siblings birthday is underway and I'm excited about that, I haven't being able to read other peoples' blog, so I don't know whats going on in blogville....all in all, I think if I don't snap out of this, I'm not going to be a happy camper.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Project, New Setting, New Weather Patterns

I am happy, it is cold outside right now and with a 30% chance of heavy snow and I am still happy. Why? Because I rolled off my last project and got on a new project up North. I get to travel every week, get paid per Diem's every day, sleep in a four star hotel and drive a rented SUV to and fro wherever I want with my work paying the bills. I am an hour away from NYC and likewise from Boston- Isn't life great. The only thing is that I have a sinking feeling that I did not pack very well for this cold and snowy weather.
I just pray that this project will be a god one and I would work to the best of my abilities to be a high performer.

Gotham Diaries:
Very good read. I finished it in about 3 days and it was hard to put down. The authors tell the behind the screen stories of the NY high and mighty. It never ceases to amaze me how the inner workings of the human mind can be so evil while presenting a pleasant outward appearance. Its a book about life(as they call it), Money, wealth, power, society and the different ways you can destroy people's lives.
Good book. I recommend it if you are looking for a light read.

New book: Neecey's Lullaby
I moved unto another book and I am currently reading Neecey's Lullaby by Chris Burks. I am 3/4 done. What can I say about this book? IT IS WONDERFUL, TEARY AND TOUCHES YOUR HEART AND BRINGS OUT FEELINGS YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU HAD. I cried in the midst of fleeting happiness and smiled in the midst of courage and sibling strength in the midst of PURE EVIL. This book teaches how hard and easy it is to break the human spirit. Out of the midst of sexual, physical and mental abuse, the main character's spirit blooms strong and created a phenomenal BLACK woman. It is interesting because many blogs are focusing on all sorts of abuse but no one is talking about the strength to STAND, to reclaim your life and your image from the depths of hell on earth. So many men and women and walking injured because of the things in their past. This story tells the story of one that not only survived but turned her suffering into the freedom of others. Without her experiences, she would never have been able to protect the ones she loved from the predators of this world. READ THIS BOOK- I guarantee you will enjoy it. You can also drop a note to let me know what you think about the book.

So, just to leave you with something, here are things that I recite to myself when I'm not feeling like myself:
I am wonderfully and gloriously created
I am the daughter of the Most High
My voice beckons the ear of My Father
I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord
He knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb.
He has not given me a spirit of fear but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind
He will not let my foot to be moved
He covers me with His blood and rebukes the devourer from even mentioning my name
He knows how many strands of hair covers my head
He knows the times and why I cry
He knows the times and why I smile
He calls me by my name
He breathes life into me and calls me blessed
He carries me when I can't walk
He loves me beyond comprehension
He died in my place and said "NaijaJinx LIVE"
I am a phenomenal woman because I have the greatest Advocate, Friend, Master, Lord, Lover, Prince, King, Knight, Judge, Warrior in my Corner.

Have a wonderful week

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Random Musings

Congratulations to the Colts. Finally, the nice guys have a notch on their belt. I loved the way the owner and Coach Dungy of the Colts gave Honor to whom Honor is due: Baba God. I love the game. I'm happy Peyton finally got his ring. Congratulations all around

My weekend was...eventful and not necessarily in a good way. A good friend of mine came from London to visit and I thought we were going to have a ball painting the town Carolina Blue. That was not the case. My dear friend came to the States sick so I became nurse/mother for the better part of the weekend. I didn’t necessarily mind but it really hurt when I tried to help and he just, for lack of a better word, dismissed my efforts. I chalk it up to the medication and the vomiting and the high temperature clouding his mind.

My future hubby
I don’t know if I’m weird or anything or if other women go through this. My older sister called me the other day and said “NJ, I miss him”. I replied “Who?” and she said “my husband.” Mind you, my sister has never dated or is married. That’s another blog topic for another day. I absolutely empathized with her because I have felt the same way. Especially when you think you have met him and he turns out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I have seen him, I have felt him, I have loved him, I have cared for him, I know him in glimpses of others. There is a certain build, a certain character, a certain aura about him that I glimpse from others. I saw him in my ex, I saw him in my crush(see
Here) and I believe that’s why it took me so long to get over that certain crush. There is a certain male species that I believe he is part of. And it hurts. Because he is out there and I am being assailed with partial mimics of him. Last year, after I broke up with ex, I really sought God’s face on this subject. And I heard from Him. I know he is out there, but this waiting definitely teaches patience.
Sometimes I miss him, sometimes I’m happy I haven’t met him. Other times I wonder if he thinks about me, if I’m ready for him, if I’ll recognize him when I meet him or will I be too busy to be still. Is he preparing for me as I am for him. Will he be all I imagined and more? Does he sit up nights thinking about my character and personality and beauty and wishing that our paths have crossed already?

Faith (Christian Faith to be exact) and Promiscuity
I just can’t seem to reconcile the two together. I read my Bible and I read God’s word of not partaking in pre-marital sex or sexual immorality. I read God’s word about forgiveness and His Grace. Then I read about what He says about not putting on us what we cannot bear. Then I make friends with other Christians or read their blogs and I just get a vibe that either God’s word has changed or we are more or less taking advantage of the grace we are being bestowed to give into sex before marriage. I am singling out sex because it seems the culture we are in, be it within the Christian community or secular, it’s become more prevalent. Everyone’s excuse is different- we are human, its good for you, how can you marry (buy) someone without making sure you are sexual compatible (test drive).
Or is it just simply God isn’t where He should be in our lives and we have put our consciences on the back pedal to fulfill our youthful desires. I’m no saint and I have put myself in situations where my restraint was wholly tested but just never could go through with it. I’m not even talking one time, ‘I slipped affairs’, I’m talking on the regular and boasting or talking about it like there's nothing wrong from a God's point of view.
Anwyas, just a few things on my mind...I may expand on some topics