Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year

And what a happy new year it was. I had a very laid back New Year;s day. For some reason, I felt like being alone, so I didn't go anywhere. I slept a little, worked a little and pretty much kept to myself. My prayer for this year and for all my loved ones is, in the words of a person very special to me:
In this new year...I pray that your joy may be full, I pray that you may exeperience fully the wonder of knowing God more each day, I pray that tears may not be your portionbut rather joy that is endless, love that is abiding, hope that is unquenchable. Where you tread, you will prosperWhere you sleep, you will have no cause for fear
In your work, you will have success the decisions you make make will be the right ones your hopes and dreams will come trueWhat you could not do last year, I pray that in this New Year, the Lord will bring it to pass. I pray that in this New Year, You will walk and not faint You will run and not be weary,You will soar on wings like eagles. I pray you will have cause to dance like David danced(and you know he was so excited that his clothes fell apart bcause of the fullness of his joy and praise)Where young lions lack and suffer hunger, you will never go hungry.

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