Blow Away!! I am absolutely blown away. These contestants really brought it. I have never blogged about them even though I am an avid, religious watcher. BUT I must say, majority of the contestants brought it. I was clapping, jumping, shouting some Hallelujahs and having a blast in my lonely hotel room.
Even though I am down with the Flu or Flu like symptoms complete with the continuous spit, headaches, cough and all, I am moved by these performances.
Chris, my Chris, my on the low JT. He sang his song very well for his vocals. I like the way he doesn't over do it but just allows the words to flow. And its being a while since I heard this song.
Melinda Doolitte----Ah, Omo yi le o!!Babe is HARD. She sang that Faith Hill song and you knew she was singing from the heart. I had never heard the song before oh how I connected with that Better Place where they will be no Hurt, Hate, Crying but Love, Peace and Joy. I know, it sounds cliche but i truly believe it.
Blake....was aiiright. Utopian world. Like Simon said, he sang it with sincerity
Lakeesha- She did a good job with Fantasia's Believe..but she doesn't have a hold on her tone as she used to. She was good to night.
Phil--He was good too. But he could have put more feeling into that song
JORDAN---Unbelievable, unbelievable performance!! Ah omo, I had shivers just like when i heard Melinda's song. Powerhouse!!Ohhhhh, I predict she and Doolitte will dook it out for the title
Whats so SPECIAL about tonight?
For the first 15 million calls made, News Corp is going to donate 5 million dollars. This money is going to go to charities within the African continent and the US. I believe this is just wonderful. To take a look at suffering at home and abroad and decide to do something is extraordinary.
Tomorrow, a whole slew of guest stars are going to perform and I am looking forward to watching.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Dear Dairy
I haven't written in you for a while. I've been busy living...but alas! I have not been writing down my memories, my moments and my thoughts. I will though...immediately I catch a break.
It is safe to say that I had a wonderful and entertaining weekend. I was up in Boston visiting family and met some interesting folks. All I know is that we most Definitely do it better in the South!!!
I have so much school related work to do, I need to just buckle down and work out the details. I still haven't decided when and how I'm going to leave work. My spiritual life has been put on the back burner for about a week now, and I've been feeling that spiritual dehydration. But Thank Lord, I have a merciful Father. WE reconnected on Sunday morning and I'm better now.
Its funny, when you get deeper in your faith, you start to thinking about things and events biblical--not in the sense of Oh Tornado just hit, God must have wanted to punish someone. but in the sense of how would God see this situation, would He approve. Even if there is some truth in a situation, is it His truth or the worlds?
I think I'm rambling. I'll go to Bed now.
It is safe to say that I had a wonderful and entertaining weekend. I was up in Boston visiting family and met some interesting folks. All I know is that we most Definitely do it better in the South!!!
I have so much school related work to do, I need to just buckle down and work out the details. I still haven't decided when and how I'm going to leave work. My spiritual life has been put on the back burner for about a week now, and I've been feeling that spiritual dehydration. But Thank Lord, I have a merciful Father. WE reconnected on Sunday morning and I'm better now.
Its funny, when you get deeper in your faith, you start to thinking about things and events biblical--not in the sense of Oh Tornado just hit, God must have wanted to punish someone. but in the sense of how would God see this situation, would He approve. Even if there is some truth in a situation, is it His truth or the worlds?
I think I'm rambling. I'll go to Bed now.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Ori mi n wu o!! My head (ego) is growing!! lol
I am thoroughly being toasted Naija style and I love every bit of it. No, the toasting is not from bobo I can’t get with but a guy I met whom I never would have met if circumstances did not carry me his way. Again, No, I am not getting into anything. I too much of a mess emotionally and what with the palaver with Bobo I can’t get with.
But it is wonderful to get poems without asking for it
It is wonderful to be sang to just because
It is wonderful to send emails back and forth
It is wonderful to send my picture and he just praise me up and down Victoria Island
It is wonderful to talk spiritual and worldly things with him
It is wonderful the way he wants to do devotion with me
It is wonderful the way he disturbs me with phone calls at work just to hear my voice
It is wonderful the way he calls at my lunch breaks and at night just so he wouldn’t interrupt my day
It is wonderful the way he is somehow always up to hear how my flight got delayed in the early mornings
It is wonderful the way he wants to see me everyday
It is wonderful to laugh because the Bobo is just naturally humorous
As usual, my toaster wants to step things up a bit but my mind is made up. I offer only friendship… can you deal? Or can I not have this in a male relationship? Why is it that when people of the opposite sex click and are both single, one party starts thinking about a relationship and some type of commitment? Why can’t we both just enjoy each others company and keep it at that? Or is it this drive to keep something good to ourselves that wants some type of assurance that this person will stay? I know I am being selfish and a little skeptical. I don’t want this phase of this new relationship to end. I want to savor this for months to come. I’m skeptical because I know from experience when you rush from friends to girl/boy friends, you lose something in the middle. Maybe after then, we can talk about a God sanctified relationship
But it is wonderful to get poems without asking for it
It is wonderful to be sang to just because
It is wonderful to send emails back and forth
It is wonderful to send my picture and he just praise me up and down Victoria Island
It is wonderful to talk spiritual and worldly things with him
It is wonderful the way he wants to do devotion with me
It is wonderful the way he disturbs me with phone calls at work just to hear my voice
It is wonderful the way he calls at my lunch breaks and at night just so he wouldn’t interrupt my day
It is wonderful the way he is somehow always up to hear how my flight got delayed in the early mornings
It is wonderful the way he wants to see me everyday
It is wonderful to laugh because the Bobo is just naturally humorous
As usual, my toaster wants to step things up a bit but my mind is made up. I offer only friendship… can you deal? Or can I not have this in a male relationship? Why is it that when people of the opposite sex click and are both single, one party starts thinking about a relationship and some type of commitment? Why can’t we both just enjoy each others company and keep it at that? Or is it this drive to keep something good to ourselves that wants some type of assurance that this person will stay? I know I am being selfish and a little skeptical. I don’t want this phase of this new relationship to end. I want to savor this for months to come. I’m skeptical because I know from experience when you rush from friends to girl/boy friends, you lose something in the middle. Maybe after then, we can talk about a God sanctified relationship
My Eclectic, Astonishingly Beautiful, Cuss you out in a Heartbeat, Caring Best Friend
This post is dedicated to an original Omo O’dua, hailing from a northern town in a western state in Nigeria. Reigning in at *** pounds, 5feet 5 inches, with eyes that sparkle like diamonds, a smile to make a sinner repent and a body for days. She is fondly known by me as Tem Tem and she is my closest confidant.
TT and I grew up together when her family moved to Lagos when we were both little toddlers. She and her older brother, S, used to “do holiday” at our house. We used to get into all kinds of sturves with S breaking everything in sight and getting into trouble on a regular basis. They lived close to our church, so on Sundays we would hang out together. Sometimes, we would skip Sunday School or GA and just wander around the church compound. Let me pull back at bit. TT is the daughter of my dad’s younger sister, so we are also cousins.
TT and I didn’t truly start cultivating a long lasting relationship until both our families came to the states and we lived together under the same roof for a while. I was in high school and TT was in middle school. I remember days of just chilling together and getting to know each others quirks.
I guess some might say it was inevitable that TT and I would become good friends but I don’t think so. You see TT has a mouth that can freeze a soul. She is very quick witted, so any perceived insults or insinuations coming her way will be fired down with that quick draw Yoruba that only konk Yoruba speakers can truly appreciate, KAI!! As we grew older, we started liking each other as understanding of each other grew.
A few years in the states, we knew we would always be close. Even after an instance of having a third party join and then leave our crew, we were still best buddies. I can remember quite a few secrets that we told each other that are kept to this day. I think what really drew us together was that we knew we could tell each other anything, one party would try to be as objective as possible (sometimes this works) and the story would not find the ears of another. Also, we were the type that even if we didn’t have to speak for days but when we did, we picked from where we left off. We pulled each other up when one was in a funk and let the other know when they are going in the wrong direction
We went through crushes together, first boyfriends, sleepovers, birthdays, tears, laughter, disrespect, and love together. I remember when I was in the early years of my first serious relationship, TT would be jealous because he was taking my attention away...hehehe.
I am too proud of TT because she has proved herself over and over. I mean, look at little Ms. Academia racking in A’s at school, being all fashionable, cultivating a relationship with her bobo, and simply blazing trails
I love you dear and I wish you the best and always pray for the best for you. Keep it moving chica because you know awa I-Town babes can never be put down!!
TT and I grew up together when her family moved to Lagos when we were both little toddlers. She and her older brother, S, used to “do holiday” at our house. We used to get into all kinds of sturves with S breaking everything in sight and getting into trouble on a regular basis. They lived close to our church, so on Sundays we would hang out together. Sometimes, we would skip Sunday School or GA and just wander around the church compound. Let me pull back at bit. TT is the daughter of my dad’s younger sister, so we are also cousins.
TT and I didn’t truly start cultivating a long lasting relationship until both our families came to the states and we lived together under the same roof for a while. I was in high school and TT was in middle school. I remember days of just chilling together and getting to know each others quirks.
I guess some might say it was inevitable that TT and I would become good friends but I don’t think so. You see TT has a mouth that can freeze a soul. She is very quick witted, so any perceived insults or insinuations coming her way will be fired down with that quick draw Yoruba that only konk Yoruba speakers can truly appreciate, KAI!! As we grew older, we started liking each other as understanding of each other grew.
A few years in the states, we knew we would always be close. Even after an instance of having a third party join and then leave our crew, we were still best buddies. I can remember quite a few secrets that we told each other that are kept to this day. I think what really drew us together was that we knew we could tell each other anything, one party would try to be as objective as possible (sometimes this works) and the story would not find the ears of another. Also, we were the type that even if we didn’t have to speak for days but when we did, we picked from where we left off. We pulled each other up when one was in a funk and let the other know when they are going in the wrong direction
We went through crushes together, first boyfriends, sleepovers, birthdays, tears, laughter, disrespect, and love together. I remember when I was in the early years of my first serious relationship, TT would be jealous because he was taking my attention away...hehehe.
I am too proud of TT because she has proved herself over and over. I mean, look at little Ms. Academia racking in A’s at school, being all fashionable, cultivating a relationship with her bobo, and simply blazing trails
I love you dear and I wish you the best and always pray for the best for you. Keep it moving chica because you know awa I-Town babes can never be put down!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Small Miracles
Hello Dears,
HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND!!! As we celebrate the triumphant death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, lets us take time to examine our lives and see how we can live more victoriously for him. It’s fascinating and rejuvenating to take note of all the ways God has been good to me or the little miracles He performs in my life. Just the other day , on Friday to be exact, I had a couple of issues to address and I knew that I couldn’t do it on my own based on my nature, but God came through for me and I didn’t even have to lift a finger. All I did was pray
Occasion 1: I admit, while you are riding this, you may just possible think I made a stupid move or two in this story
So, for about 6 months now, I had known that something was up with my brakes. You know the occasional screeching sound you get when you tap on your brakes or the continuous low groaning your car gives you when you are on a high speed. I decided about a few months ago to take Midnight-my car- to the dealership to see what was going on. The verdict: I have to shell out over 450 pa to change my rear rotators and brake pads. Si gini? For wetin? Omo, isn’t Value brake advertising brakes for 100 pa, how did my own turn to 450? I started calculating my other expenses including my Brother’s summer wedding, the bridesmaid dress, the aso ebi and ko—I started having a premature heart attack. To cut a long story short, about a month ago, I went to about 4 different places to price it and finally settled for one automotive/tire store. I wouldn’t mention the shop but it translates to Ina plus okuta in Yoruba. I got a better deal with them and the arugbo bobo behind the counter talked and looked like a decent human being. Till today, I do not know what I was thinking giving my number out like that. The bobo asked for my number, which I initially thought was business until he told me different. By then it was too late as I was trying to hook up a deal**cough**see how God catches folks when they try to cut corners.
I figured since the guy was way older he was just trying to have a little conversation. That was how I had avoided hanging out with the bobo until it was about the time to get my car fixed. This incidentally coincided with a long distance trip I had to take and I needed my brakes to function properly. He called me and wanted to meet up the day before my trip. We met in front of the firestone store and took a drive in my car around town. I had convinced myself that since the bobo professed to be a Christ-like-I say that with regret dripping from my finger tips-- it was okay to meet at night seeing as that was the only time I had as I traveled during the week. Immediately the bobo entered my car I knew this was a big mistake. All my alarms started going off!! The guy just kept looking at me---as in insistently looking, talking all this bunch of crap about how mature I am, the possibilities between us(as IF!), the age difference doesn’t matter, what are your goals, I’m a responsible adult with a son in his first year in my alma-mata, doesn’t really want a relationship but My Gosh girl, you are beautiful. My Spirit connects with yours, even though I haven’t had a conversation with you, we are connected!
Lecherous beast in sheep’s clothing! Why was it that when I dropped him off in front of his store and came around to give him a brief hug, this old man wouldn’t let me go??? Heh, e gbami, he kept rubbing my back, talking about how good I feel and tried to grind up on me. I can’t remember how many times I asked him and struggled to let me go before he did. He then started apologizing and said he hoped I didn’t feel uncomfortable. If I was a cussing woman, he would have earned curses that would reinvent the life of his ancestors and unborn children in a negative manner. Nonsense!!
The next day, I was supposed to bring my car in. However when I woke up, I was just mad, mad at myself and mad at the awkward situation I created. I knew if I spent more than 5 minutes with him I would go off.
So, I did what I could and prayed. I was tired and didn’t want to take my car anywhere but I knew I needed the brakes fixed if I were ever to make it to my destination.
Then God stood up for me and despite my own parlay in the situation, rectified it for me.
Why, oh sweet why, did my friend whom I was to visit two states away call me and say I didn’t need to make it down….that he would come up?? Thank you Jesus!
Why did the arugbo to ko mo level e call me and tell me he had ordered the wrong parts and as such couldn’t’ fix my car? Double Thank you Lord.
That was my little miracle. I think if we really sit and think about situations that could have gotten worse but changed for the better through no handy work of ours, we can see God’s invisible hand in our lives, answering prayers and looking out for his children. I have a million other stories of such little miracles but I know He knows I’m eternally grateful.
P.s. I haven’t gotten my brakes fixed but I’ sure the Lord who is on the throne will make a way.
Poem of the Day: I wrote this in response to a poem I got from a new friend of mine. This is a future poem of how I want to connect with the love of my life. Let me know what you think.
I believe it is your smile that lights up my day
Your speech that tingles my ear
Your walk that creates footsteps in my heart
Or is it the way you say my name
That harkens my Heart to yours?
I believe I don’t just dream about you at night
I breathe and feel you in my sleep
Your touch is as real as your kiss the night before
Your face even more magical
Or is it the way you hold me
That harkens my Body to yours?
I believe it is your prayers that keep me from falling
Your steadfastness that keeps me grounded
Your faith that blazes trails for me to follow
Or is the way you ask The Father to Love me more
That harkens my Soul to yours?
I am eternally charmed to be yours.
HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND!!! As we celebrate the triumphant death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, lets us take time to examine our lives and see how we can live more victoriously for him. It’s fascinating and rejuvenating to take note of all the ways God has been good to me or the little miracles He performs in my life. Just the other day , on Friday to be exact, I had a couple of issues to address and I knew that I couldn’t do it on my own based on my nature, but God came through for me and I didn’t even have to lift a finger. All I did was pray
Occasion 1: I admit, while you are riding this, you may just possible think I made a stupid move or two in this story
So, for about 6 months now, I had known that something was up with my brakes. You know the occasional screeching sound you get when you tap on your brakes or the continuous low groaning your car gives you when you are on a high speed. I decided about a few months ago to take Midnight-my car- to the dealership to see what was going on. The verdict: I have to shell out over 450 pa to change my rear rotators and brake pads. Si gini? For wetin? Omo, isn’t Value brake advertising brakes for 100 pa, how did my own turn to 450? I started calculating my other expenses including my Brother’s summer wedding, the bridesmaid dress, the aso ebi and ko—I started having a premature heart attack. To cut a long story short, about a month ago, I went to about 4 different places to price it and finally settled for one automotive/tire store. I wouldn’t mention the shop but it translates to Ina plus okuta in Yoruba. I got a better deal with them and the arugbo bobo behind the counter talked and looked like a decent human being. Till today, I do not know what I was thinking giving my number out like that. The bobo asked for my number, which I initially thought was business until he told me different. By then it was too late as I was trying to hook up a deal**cough**see how God catches folks when they try to cut corners.
I figured since the guy was way older he was just trying to have a little conversation. That was how I had avoided hanging out with the bobo until it was about the time to get my car fixed. This incidentally coincided with a long distance trip I had to take and I needed my brakes to function properly. He called me and wanted to meet up the day before my trip. We met in front of the firestone store and took a drive in my car around town. I had convinced myself that since the bobo professed to be a Christ-like-I say that with regret dripping from my finger tips-- it was okay to meet at night seeing as that was the only time I had as I traveled during the week. Immediately the bobo entered my car I knew this was a big mistake. All my alarms started going off!! The guy just kept looking at me---as in insistently looking, talking all this bunch of crap about how mature I am, the possibilities between us(as IF!), the age difference doesn’t matter, what are your goals, I’m a responsible adult with a son in his first year in my alma-mata, doesn’t really want a relationship but My Gosh girl, you are beautiful. My Spirit connects with yours, even though I haven’t had a conversation with you, we are connected!
Lecherous beast in sheep’s clothing! Why was it that when I dropped him off in front of his store and came around to give him a brief hug, this old man wouldn’t let me go??? Heh, e gbami, he kept rubbing my back, talking about how good I feel and tried to grind up on me. I can’t remember how many times I asked him and struggled to let me go before he did. He then started apologizing and said he hoped I didn’t feel uncomfortable. If I was a cussing woman, he would have earned curses that would reinvent the life of his ancestors and unborn children in a negative manner. Nonsense!!
The next day, I was supposed to bring my car in. However when I woke up, I was just mad, mad at myself and mad at the awkward situation I created. I knew if I spent more than 5 minutes with him I would go off.
So, I did what I could and prayed. I was tired and didn’t want to take my car anywhere but I knew I needed the brakes fixed if I were ever to make it to my destination.
Then God stood up for me and despite my own parlay in the situation, rectified it for me.
Why, oh sweet why, did my friend whom I was to visit two states away call me and say I didn’t need to make it down….that he would come up?? Thank you Jesus!
Why did the arugbo to ko mo level e call me and tell me he had ordered the wrong parts and as such couldn’t’ fix my car? Double Thank you Lord.
That was my little miracle. I think if we really sit and think about situations that could have gotten worse but changed for the better through no handy work of ours, we can see God’s invisible hand in our lives, answering prayers and looking out for his children. I have a million other stories of such little miracles but I know He knows I’m eternally grateful.
P.s. I haven’t gotten my brakes fixed but I’ sure the Lord who is on the throne will make a way.
Poem of the Day: I wrote this in response to a poem I got from a new friend of mine. This is a future poem of how I want to connect with the love of my life. Let me know what you think.
I believe it is your smile that lights up my day
Your speech that tingles my ear
Your walk that creates footsteps in my heart
Or is it the way you say my name
That harkens my Heart to yours?
I believe I don’t just dream about you at night
I breathe and feel you in my sleep
Your touch is as real as your kiss the night before
Your face even more magical
Or is it the way you hold me
That harkens my Body to yours?
I believe it is your prayers that keep me from falling
Your steadfastness that keeps me grounded
Your faith that blazes trails for me to follow
Or is the way you ask The Father to Love me more
That harkens my Soul to yours?
I am eternally charmed to be yours.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Long weekend...filled with Fun and Memories
I had a fabulous FABULOUS weekend. What more can a girl ask for? I finished work early, ate well, slept decently well, met new people and got hit on twice by ‘normal’ ‘good head on their shoulders’ guys. Now I know you are probably wondering what I did this weekend that has me singing …pop songs??? Well, I went to school. Literally
I’m not sure if I have blogged about this before, but I got accepted into one of the top ten MBA programs in the States (All praises to Baba God). So, I decided to go for their admitted students’ orientation weekend which ran from Thursday night to Sunday morning. I arrived early Thursday night to attend the minority aspect part of it. I honestly had a blast and I felt really welcome. The first year students offered practical and usable advice and insights on how to get through and prepare for “MBA Boot Camp.” I am so ecstatic that I attended because I know for sure I would be unprepared based on the information I gathered this weekend.
Weekend Gist Remix
Thursday night started off with dinner and a version of def jams poetry night. I must say mo gbadun (I tremendously enjoyed) the poems written by this naija chick who was doing both her PHD and medical doctors degree at the same time. Kai, some people are just born smart and beautiful. She read about four poems and let me tell you… some of them was soul wrenching and others were sizzling!! She compared the black woman’s role to that of a community whore whose services are no longer needed. She told the black man to learn from her jeans how to fit her completely. She told of the love/bond bestowed upon mothers from our Heavenly father above. Mehn, I wish I had her contact info and permission to post her poems. There was this other guy who was doubling as a Host. I liken him to Lupe Fiasco. Here is a guy, lanky frame with glasses, in his third year in Law School/Business School joint program, who can melt ice with his flow. As he was getting the crowd hype and singing an old school song...that was how the guy just put the mic in front of me to sing. Omo, Sahara salute me with the hot look I gave him!! LOL. I didn’t know the words of the song so I shushed him away with my look. Of course, I apologies and explained later. Funny…thinking back this bobo found me like twice during the weekend and sat at my table. Hmmm. School is most definitely going to be interesting this fall.
So, as I was minding my business trying to mingle at the Thursday night dinner/poetry night, why did my olojukokoro senses ‘sense’ someone was scoping me? I turned around and saw this light caramel Afro-American brother looking my way. Apparently my natural beauty had him swaying from the ceiling fans. Mehn, the guy can make a woman feel beautiful sha. I thought it was only Naija guys who knew how to toast but this guy could hold his ground any day. The conversation went something like this:
(I ran upstairs to change for the other half of the shindig but changed my mind and prior to going up he had practically made me promise to come back down)
Suave Brother: I was hoping you would come back down. I had been looking for you. I thought maybe you changed your mind
NJ: Oh no, I’ve been down for about a few minutes now
Suave Brother: it’s funny, when I first saw you I just had to come over and tell you how beautiful you look tonight.
NJ: Thank You!
Suave Brother: You have such a natural beauty that I can just imagine waking up next to you and you being just as beautiful as you were the night before…even with the drool running down your face *funny moment*
(I am one of those women who has naturally smooth skin so I don’t see the need to wear makeup except on special occasions...or when I feel like it)
NJ: Really??? hehehe, thank you. (All this time I was thinking keep it coming oh)
Suave Brother: I haven’t seen anyone with such nicely shaped eyebrows that are naturally thick (as opposed to penciled in I guess) As you can see, I have some thick eyebrows too
NJ: Well, that’s the reason I have them arched. You wouldn’t want to see them in any other state
We talked throughout the night and he asked to walk me to my room. The guy was just complimenting me left right and center throughout the whole weekend. But one thing I was really impressed by was the fact that he could hold a conversation. I mean apart from the compliments, we talked about our careers, why business school, what we both hoped to do etc.
All in all, he was a cool guy but omo the bobo kolo small oh. ***Why did he get mad when I got the number of a guy I went to school with that I hadn’t seen in ages? Why was he mad that I was talking and gisting with my Naija friend who just happens to be a guy for campus? ***I wonder what the fall will bring if he becomes my classmate...hmmm.
The rest of the weekend had the same feel of fun and information to it. We played games, rooted for teams, went dancing and made potential friends. The only thing I did not like was that I was the only naija person in the incoming class to attend. I mean, this was the first time that Ghanaians outnumbered us before. Mehn, this has put an end to my plans of scoping one or two naija men oh…lol.
After the conference ended Saturday night (for me), I went to my old church on Sunday and was reunited with old friends. Funny, my ex picked me up from the hotel and dropped me back home. I thought I would feel somehow about seeing him again but it was like seeing a long lost friend again. It was actually….nice!
It was great being back in a naija setting again with the accents and what not going on. Of course, there was drama and I was filled in on the gist: Somebody is pregnant, someone gave birth and other peeps hooking up. Ah life as I know it
I have been meaning to blog about the men in my life. Just reading through some of my back posts, I’m sure some people may be lost as to exactly how many guy friends or toasters or marriage potential peeps do I even have gan sef. Maybe my next post will be about that. Or maybe I should tell a story…
Book Currently Reading
I picked up this book from our family library: The Corner by David Simon and Edward Burns. I usually don’t gear towards this genre of writing, but after the first few pages, I think this is going to be a fantastic read. I’ll update on how the book holds up.
Poem I came up with…just now.
I loved you as completely as I could
Stood beside you as valiantly as I could
Carried you as powerful as I could
Prayed for you even when I couldn’t pray for myself
Stole to give to you
Lied to protect you
Fought to be close to you
Oh how my heart waits to receive but a fraction from you
I’m not sure if I have blogged about this before, but I got accepted into one of the top ten MBA programs in the States (All praises to Baba God). So, I decided to go for their admitted students’ orientation weekend which ran from Thursday night to Sunday morning. I arrived early Thursday night to attend the minority aspect part of it. I honestly had a blast and I felt really welcome. The first year students offered practical and usable advice and insights on how to get through and prepare for “MBA Boot Camp.” I am so ecstatic that I attended because I know for sure I would be unprepared based on the information I gathered this weekend.

Thursday night started off with dinner and a version of def jams poetry night. I must say mo gbadun (I tremendously enjoyed) the poems written by this naija chick who was doing both her PHD and medical doctors degree at the same time. Kai, some people are just born smart and beautiful. She read about four poems and let me tell you… some of them was soul wrenching and others were sizzling!! She compared the black woman’s role to that of a community whore whose services are no longer needed. She told the black man to learn from her jeans how to fit her completely. She told of the love/bond bestowed upon mothers from our Heavenly father above. Mehn, I wish I had her contact info and permission to post her poems. There was this other guy who was doubling as a Host. I liken him to Lupe Fiasco. Here is a guy, lanky frame with glasses, in his third year in Law School/Business School joint program, who can melt ice with his flow. As he was getting the crowd hype and singing an old school song...that was how the guy just put the mic in front of me to sing. Omo, Sahara salute me with the hot look I gave him!! LOL. I didn’t know the words of the song so I shushed him away with my look. Of course, I apologies and explained later. Funny…thinking back this bobo found me like twice during the weekend and sat at my table. Hmmm. School is most definitely going to be interesting this fall.
So, as I was minding my business trying to mingle at the Thursday night dinner/poetry night, why did my olojukokoro senses ‘sense’ someone was scoping me? I turned around and saw this light caramel Afro-American brother looking my way. Apparently my natural beauty had him swaying from the ceiling fans. Mehn, the guy can make a woman feel beautiful sha. I thought it was only Naija guys who knew how to toast but this guy could hold his ground any day. The conversation went something like this:
(I ran upstairs to change for the other half of the shindig but changed my mind and prior to going up he had practically made me promise to come back down)
Suave Brother: I was hoping you would come back down. I had been looking for you. I thought maybe you changed your mind
NJ: Oh no, I’ve been down for about a few minutes now
Suave Brother: it’s funny, when I first saw you I just had to come over and tell you how beautiful you look tonight.
NJ: Thank You!
Suave Brother: You have such a natural beauty that I can just imagine waking up next to you and you being just as beautiful as you were the night before…even with the drool running down your face *funny moment*
(I am one of those women who has naturally smooth skin so I don’t see the need to wear makeup except on special occasions...or when I feel like it)
NJ: Really??? hehehe, thank you. (All this time I was thinking keep it coming oh)
Suave Brother: I haven’t seen anyone with such nicely shaped eyebrows that are naturally thick (as opposed to penciled in I guess) As you can see, I have some thick eyebrows too
NJ: Well, that’s the reason I have them arched. You wouldn’t want to see them in any other state
We talked throughout the night and he asked to walk me to my room. The guy was just complimenting me left right and center throughout the whole weekend. But one thing I was really impressed by was the fact that he could hold a conversation. I mean apart from the compliments, we talked about our careers, why business school, what we both hoped to do etc.
All in all, he was a cool guy but omo the bobo kolo small oh. ***Why did he get mad when I got the number of a guy I went to school with that I hadn’t seen in ages? Why was he mad that I was talking and gisting with my Naija friend who just happens to be a guy for campus? ***I wonder what the fall will bring if he becomes my classmate...hmmm.
The rest of the weekend had the same feel of fun and information to it. We played games, rooted for teams, went dancing and made potential friends. The only thing I did not like was that I was the only naija person in the incoming class to attend. I mean, this was the first time that Ghanaians outnumbered us before. Mehn, this has put an end to my plans of scoping one or two naija men oh…lol.
After the conference ended Saturday night (for me), I went to my old church on Sunday and was reunited with old friends. Funny, my ex picked me up from the hotel and dropped me back home. I thought I would feel somehow about seeing him again but it was like seeing a long lost friend again. It was actually….nice!
It was great being back in a naija setting again with the accents and what not going on. Of course, there was drama and I was filled in on the gist: Somebody is pregnant, someone gave birth and other peeps hooking up. Ah life as I know it
I have been meaning to blog about the men in my life. Just reading through some of my back posts, I’m sure some people may be lost as to exactly how many guy friends or toasters or marriage potential peeps do I even have gan sef. Maybe my next post will be about that. Or maybe I should tell a story…
Book Currently Reading
I picked up this book from our family library: The Corner by David Simon and Edward Burns. I usually don’t gear towards this genre of writing, but after the first few pages, I think this is going to be a fantastic read. I’ll update on how the book holds up.
Poem I came up with…just now.
I loved you as completely as I could
Stood beside you as valiantly as I could
Carried you as powerful as I could
Prayed for you even when I couldn’t pray for myself
Stole to give to you
Lied to protect you
Fought to be close to you
Oh how my heart waits to receive but a fraction from you
Monday, April 2, 2007
Whats Popping y'all?
ohhh, I'm so excited..
And I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
Omo, I am high on life and I don't know why. Maybe it was because of my fabulous weekend. Maybe its because of the new book I just read. Or maybe its because I filled finished filling out my tax returns and FAFSA for school.
Whatever it is, I will update and let you guys know whats popping.
BiG UPS to my little sis who got a free ride to RIT and got on Cornell's waitlist....wait oh, can you imagine those Yankees up north putting my sister on a waitlist. They haven't seen prayer yet. By the time we start praying she gets in, not only will she get off the waitlist, they will also give her a scholarship. Everyone say AMEN!!
And I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
Omo, I am high on life and I don't know why. Maybe it was because of my fabulous weekend. Maybe its because of the new book I just read. Or maybe its because I filled finished filling out my tax returns and FAFSA for school.
Whatever it is, I will update and let you guys know whats popping.
BiG UPS to my little sis who got a free ride to RIT and got on Cornell's waitlist....wait oh, can you imagine those Yankees up north putting my sister on a waitlist. They haven't seen prayer yet. By the time we start praying she gets in, not only will she get off the waitlist, they will also give her a scholarship. Everyone say AMEN!!
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